Möchten Sie die Kraft und die Stärke von einigen der vielen
verschiedenen Fischarten erfahren, die nur in den Seen
und Flüssen Thailands gefunden werden?
Das Fishing Khao Lak kann Ihnen die Gelegenheit geben, eine große Vielfalt dieser Arten
zu fangen, einschließlich des Mekong Welses (dem größten Süßwasserfisch der Welt),
des Arapaima (zweitgrößter Süßwasserfisch der Welt), des siamesischen Karpfen
(größte Karpfenart der Welt), des Pacu und des Schlangenkopfes.
Wir bieten diese Angelreisen, mit Englisch sprechenden Führern,
zu den folgenden 11 phantastischen Reisezielen an.
Deswegen sollten Sie Thailand wählen ––>
Multi Lake Fishing Tours.
Explore Thailand's best fishing destinations!
(All Year Round).
Available from Bangkok, Phuket, Khao Lak, Krabi and Hua Hin.
Experience a tour of some of Thailand's best fishing destinations.
Make your big fish dreams come true with the guidance of one of Thailand's
best and most experienced English speaking fishing guides. Bespoke multi
day fishing tours of wild fishing and world class fisheries to suit your budget.
Dschungelfischen in Thailand.
Wildes Dschungelfischen.
(Das ganze Jahr über).
Auf über 160 Quadratkilometern ist phantastisches Sportfischen
am schönsten Ort, den Sie sich vorstellen können möglich.
Großer Toman (Großer Schlangenkopf), Tausenddollarfisch, Bachkarpfen und Hampala Barb;
alle leben in ungestörter Harmonie mit wilden Elefanten, Affen, Wasserbüffeln, Bären,
Leoparden, Hornvögeln, Raubvögeln und einer großen Vielfalt von anderen Vögeln.
Es sind nur Ausflüge mit Übernachtung möglich (mit Unterkunft in entweder
Wasser bungalows), an diesem faszinierenden Reiseziel
in einer unberührten Gegend Thailands.
Jungle Fly–Fishing in wild Thai rivers.
Thailands best wild freshwater Fly–Fishing.
(September through June).
Available from Bangkok, Phuket, Khao Lak, Krabi and Ao Nang.
Jungle fly–fishing for Mahseer and other species in the rivers and streams of
Thailands fish filled jungles. Fly–fishing in Thailand’s most
beautiful and unspoilt productive Mahseer rivers.
Exotic Fishing Thailand.
50+ Exotic Tropical fish species from around the world.
(All Year Round).
Available from Phuket, Khao Lak, Krabi and Ao Nang.
Thailand’s latest monster fishing lake set amongst the mountains of
Southern Thailand. Catch massive exotic fish in paradise at this purpose
made prestige fishery.
Test your angling skills against massive Arapaima, Giant Mekong
Catfish and huge Alligator Gar plus many other species not found in
most other fishing lakes in Thailand. This supreme fishery is also ideal
for fly-fishermen with unrestricted back casting in many areas of this
large lake.
John Wilson Lake.
(All Year Round).
Available from Bangkok, Phuket, Khao Lak and Krabi.
Your chance to experience the phenomenal fishing at the idyllic fishery
created by the late, legendary British angler, John Wilson MBE.
An ideal location as part of our Multi–Lake Fishing Tours.
Khao Lak Fishing Park.
Low cost predator Fishing.
(All Year Round).
Available from Khao Lak and Phuket.
Prolific low cost predator fishing near Khao Lak Southern Thailand.
Bangkok Predator Fishing.
High catch rate fishing for Thailand’s best Predator Fish species.
(All Year Round).
Available from Bangkok.
Low cost predator fishing for Thai and Amazonian fishes in one of Thailand’s most
friendly fisheries. Experience the thrill of catching multi species of predators from
around the world just outside Bangkok. Perfect for lure and fly-fisherman too!
If you’re looking for big predators like Arapaima, Alligator Gar, Amazonion Redtail
and many more of the world’s best freshwater predators close to Bangkok
at an affordable price, this is the place for you.
Fischen im Bungsamran See.
(Das ganze Jahr über).
New discounted prices on all Bungsamran trips!
Von vielen Anglern als "das Süßwasser–Angelreiseziel Nr. 1 der Welt" eingeschätzt.
Wenn Sie einen Weltrekord im Süßwasserfischen aufstellen wollen,
ist dies der See, den Sie besuchen sollten.
Es gibt über 50 verschiedene Arten, aus denen Sie auswählen können!
,IT Monster Lake.
(All Year Round).
Available from Bangkok.
IT Monster Lake is a well establised 2 lake fishery around 1.5 hours from Bangkok.
Very high catch rate carp and predator fishing in this large, lightly fished venue.
Cult destination for serious Cheow Phraya Catfish specimen hunters.
Fishing in Krabi.
Southern Thailand.
(All Year Round).
Available from Phuket, Khao Lak, Krabi and Ao Nang.
The ultimate massive fish venue newly opened in Krabi, Southern Thailand.
Only a 2 hour drive from Phuket takes you to the most amazing fishing venue in
Thailand! World record smashing fish in a fully equipped luxury resort, located in one
of the most picturesque landscapes in Thailand.
Krabi, your best option for the elusive Arapaima and Giant Siamese Carp, plus a host
of other exotic species not found anywhere else.
Phuket Fishing Park, Sawai Lake.
(All Year Round).
Available from Phuket and Khao Lak.
Phuket Fishing Park, the awesome venue for freshwater fishing in Phuket.
Target Alligator Gar, Giant Mekong Catfish, Pacu, Redtail Catfish and
Giant Siamese Carp plus lots of other species on this highly productive low cost
guided fishing trip.
Pleasant surroundings in a peaceful location make this the ideal location to discover
the fantastic fish we have here in Thailand.
Suitable for specimen hunters and familys alike.
Chalong Phuket Fishing Park.
(All Year Round).
Available from Phuket.
Phuket’s new low budget freshwater fishing lake.
Lots of action for families and anglers on a budget.
Ideal if you only want to fish for a few hours or not travel
too far.
Target Amazon Redtail Catfish, Giant Mekong Catfish, Giant Siamese Carp,
Common Carp, Indian Carp, Alligator Gar, Striped and Cheow Phraya Catfish at
this pleasant and comfortable fishing park.
Fishing in Palm Tree Lagoon.
(All Year Round).
Available from Bangkok, Hua Hin and Cha Am.
Massive Carp and predator fishing at Palm Tree Lagoon Thailand, the
amazing little lake made famous by John Wilson. The low cost high quality
option if you are looking for big predators or Giant Siamese Carp close to
Bangkok. Over 62 different exotic species from around the world all waiting
to be caught, many species in world record breaking sizes.
Jurassic Fishing Park
(All Year Round).
Available from Bangkok, Hua Hin and Cha Am.
Big Carp catches, huge Mekong Catfish and some massive predators
including Arapaima at Jurassic Fishing Park and Mountain Resort, one of
Thailand’s most impressive and prettiest freshwater fishing lakes.
Greenfield Valley
(All Year Round).
Available from Bangkok, Hua Hin and Cha Am.
Lots of rod bending action at this top class high catch rate fishery, with more
than 25+ different species of sport fish to target. Hectic fishing in a friendly
tranquil location at Greenfield Valley Fishing Resort.
Barramundi Fishing in Boon Mar Ponds.
(All Year Round).
Lure and fly–fishing for one of the worlds greatest sport fish the Barramundi just one
hour outside Bangkok. If your looking for lots of action on lures or fly, look no
further, this is the place for you.
Pilot 111
Multi Species Lure and Fly fishing.
(All Year Round).
Prolific low cost Lure and fly–fishing for multi species near Bangkok.
Pattaya Carp and Predator Lake.
Low cost Carp and Predator Fishing.
(All Year Round).
Available from Pattaya and Bangkok.
Prolific low cost Carp and predator fishing in Pattaya.
Phuket Saltwater Fishing Park.
Phuket Thailand.
(All Year Round).
Saltwater Lake Fishing in Phuket.
Fischen im Par Lai See.
(Das ganze Jahr über).
Am Par Lai See können Sie auf Pacu (der aussieht, wie ein riesiger Piranha),
Knurrnden Gurami, Schlangenköpfe, Indo–Pazifischen Tarpon und Welse abzielen,
einige sind weit über dem derzeitgen IGFA Weltrekord!
Mit diesen Fische kann man auf leichtem bis mittlerem Angelgerät
sehr guten Sport genießen.
All dies können Sie am schönen Par Lai See genießen, einem Ort inmitten
üppiger tropischer Gärten nahe Chalong, und daher nur eine kurze Reise
von der Mehrzahl der beliebten Urlaubsorte auf Phuket.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Fischen an diesem Ort nur in Begleitung
mit einem bei der Seeverwaltung registrierten Angelführer erlaubt ist.
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